Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Game drive:

This past weekend Emily and I went on a game drive to see the animals of South Africa! Namely "the beg 5" which I learned are called that because the are the 5 animals that are the deadliest to hunt and would kill you if you messed up. We didn't actually get to see all of them. We didn't get to see any cats (lions, cheetahs, or leopards). It was very hot this weekend and they were hiding in the shade. Here are some pics of the awesome things that we did see!:
Baboon Family (kinda cute if you ignore their butts)-


About 100 elephants at the lake at once:


Impala pack-

White Rhino-

Springbok (SA's national animal)-


It also turns out that SA has fields of sunflowers just like Kansas! So we stopped to have a look. This picture is for GJ and papa-

My time here is passing so quickly. At first I was counting down the days, but now I am very sad to see them go. It is actually a very nice place here with kind, considerate people. In my time here, I have also realized that I have either been up or down not really ever in the middle. It’s either patients who are so frustrating and can’t understand or want to do anything with you or situations that make you want to pull your hair out. Then a minute later it’s a patient who tells you about improvements and changes in their lives and thanks you over and over and you can see in their eyes that they really mean it or a helping hand when you don’t expect it. One second I’m wondering why everything has to be so terrible and frustrating (three patients that I have worked with have passed away since I have been here), and the next second I’m wondering why I have to leave because it’s an exciting challenge every day that we are all in together. I guess that’s the way it is everywhere; you just get used to it.
12 working days left & counting and wanting to hold on to every minute… at the moment.


  1. the flowers are so pretty! ahh, home :-) and the animals are awesome--what a cool experience. glad you are doing well overall! miss you ladies. starting my acute care clinical in a few days! and currently doing interviews. it's nuts.

  2. Make that 4 patients who have passed away...
