Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I never had thought goodbyes are all that bad. They never have seemed all that permanent to me so I never get too worked up about them. However, this is a little different. Knowing that I most likely will never ever see these people again in my life and only have slim chances at really keeping in touch with them makes me a little sad! They have all been so great, kind, friendly, and helpful. We had a lot of fun together, they taught me a lot, and I will miss them. The goodbyes have been a bit sad and I don't really want to leave this place that I've gotten so used to now. Hugs and emails exchanged to try and keep in touch, but the goodbyes are still a little hard when I think about the finality of them. So as per usual with things like this, I am just going to try not to think about it!

After completing our inservice on biofeedback and giving info on PT in the States (several people were asking several ?s) we celebrated by having our first South African braai on Tuesday evening. One of our co-workers, Marilu, hosted the braai for us. Thank goodness we finally got to experience a braai after all this time of being in SA. It was great. A lot of fun watching the braai process and the meat cook. Everything made was delicious! We took devilled eggs (trying to think of something traditional American barbecue that we could take). They were a bit improvised from to having all the normal ingredients (we added peronaise, since that is what we had and no mayo). They turned out a little dry but ended up being a hit anyway (or maybe everyone was just being nice)! It was a lot of fun to be able just to chat and have fun with the people that we work with everyday instead of just talking about patients and physio. We began saying a few goodbyes here and there will be more to come in the next (out last) 2 days of work. We'll see how it goes, and then it is off to Cape Town for the start of our real holiday!

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