Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In the Beginning-

First life skill I learned in Africa: how to change the proxy settings on my computer! Not what you’d think huh? But I learned a ton more things today, my first day of work at Bara Hospital. Supposedly the World’s largest hospital. Definitely huge and confusing. I know that I can’t do it justice by explaining it so I will have to take a picture soon. The quick description is that it’s a HUGE campus with long open to air halls that are divided into rooms that have multiple beds in them. There are also some multiple floor buildings as well, but I haven’t been in them much yet. I am stricken by how much treatment is the same as it would be at home, but then there are also times when it (or the circumstances) are very different. I guess that I came here thinking that it would all be very different so now I am amazed at how similar it really is.
A few cultural things that I have picked up are: word shortening, they have a lot of abbreviations or they just say the first part of the word. For example, I have written Feb. but I always say February not Feb. Also if you have to go to surgery you are going to the theatre. Sounds good right?!

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